Counter strike Latest Games !!
Abbreviated counter-strike, CS or CS: s for counter-strike: source, is a team-based tactical ego-shooter game with a developed total conversion mod created by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess Cliffe, valve software first-person shooter, half-life. The game is advanced in a number, since the original publication currently includes counter-strike: condition zero and counter-strike: source.
Counter-strike provides a team of counter terrorists against a team of terrorists in rounds of competition won by completing an objective or eliminating the drag. The latest incarnation of the game. Signs for counter-strike wide influence offers in the mods for games .
Since May 2006, counter-strike is still the most widely played online first-person shooter in the world. In 2002 there were more than 30,000 populated counter strike servers on the Internet (second was tournament unreal with approximately 9,800). In the year 2004 GameSpy statistics showed more than 85,000 players simultaneously playing counter-strike at any point in time, and in 2006, steam shows regularly more than 200,000 players for counter-strike. According to statistics collected by valve, the content delivery platform, steam, these players put together over 6,177 billion minutes per month, as in the February 5, 2007 [1], first-person shooter consolidate its position as the most popular online in the history. Counter-strike was originally through the WON gaming service, which was closed in 2004, online played [2] forcing to change steam players (on the part of the player responded German WON2 with the creation of their own WON network).
Counter-strike is a team-based, to first-person shooter in which players join, fight terrorists or anti-terrorism team and the opposing team during the predetermined objectives. Server settings can automatically compensate teams when a team has more players . Counter-Strike: condition zero added two other models. Each player starts with $800, two magazines ammunition, a knife and a gun: a tactical & Koch HK USP 45 for counter-terrorists and a GLOCK 18 c for terrorists. Players get to buy the round, usually a few seconds before the start (known as "Stop time") where not attack or to move in any direction. Players can buy equipment when they have a "buy zone" for your team (some areas for both teams, depending on the card) if the round in session longer than a certain time there is no fault (90 seconds is default). Once the round has finished, surviving players retain their equipment for use in the next round; the next round starts late with the standard pistol and knife.
Picture a terrorist with a Desert Eagle on the map De_dust in the original (left) counter-strike and counter-strike: source (right).
Picture a terrorist with a Desert Eagle on the map De_dust in the original (left) counter-strike and counter-strike: source (right).
Monetary bonuses in the game are standard:
* A round lose: $1400 + $500 per round lost more than 1 (up to maximum $3400) (awarded at the beginning of the next round)
* Kill an enemy: $300 (now open)
* Assign a hostage to follow: $150 (immediately awarded. Only works once per hostage, per round)
* A hostage to save: $1000 (now open)
* Planting the bomb: $800 (awarded at the beginning of the following round, no matter whether the terrorist team wins or loses the previous round)
The scoreboard shows team notes in addition to the data for each player: name, score, deaths, and ping scoreboard also , with the bomb (bomb defuse cards) or VIP (in assassination maps), although this information about players on the opposing team a player received during the round must be dead. Killed players become "Ghosts" for the duration of the round; You can not change their name, text chat can be not sent or received from live players; and voice chat from live player may be recorded, it will be not sent you .
Counter-strike provides a team of counter terrorists against a team of terrorists in rounds of competition won by completing an objective or eliminating the drag. The latest incarnation of the game. Signs for counter-strike wide influence offers in the mods for games .
Since May 2006, counter-strike is still the most widely played online first-person shooter in the world. In 2002 there were more than 30,000 populated counter strike servers on the Internet (second was tournament unreal with approximately 9,800). In the year 2004 GameSpy statistics showed more than 85,000 players simultaneously playing counter-strike at any point in time, and in 2006, steam shows regularly more than 200,000 players for counter-strike. According to statistics collected by valve, the content delivery platform, steam, these players put together over 6,177 billion minutes per month, as in the February 5, 2007 [1], first-person shooter consolidate its position as the most popular online in the history. Counter-strike was originally through the WON gaming service, which was closed in 2004, online played [2] forcing to change steam players (on the part of the player responded German WON2 with the creation of their own WON network).
Counter-strike is a team-based, to first-person shooter in which players join, fight terrorists or anti-terrorism team and the opposing team during the predetermined objectives. Server settings can automatically compensate teams when a team has more players . Counter-Strike: condition zero added two other models. Each player starts with $800, two magazines ammunition, a knife and a gun: a tactical & Koch HK USP 45 for counter-terrorists and a GLOCK 18 c for terrorists. Players get to buy the round, usually a few seconds before the start (known as "Stop time") where not attack or to move in any direction. Players can buy equipment when they have a "buy zone" for your team (some areas for both teams, depending on the card) if the round in session longer than a certain time there is no fault (90 seconds is default). Once the round has finished, surviving players retain their equipment for use in the next round; the next round starts late with the standard pistol and knife.
Picture a terrorist with a Desert Eagle on the map De_dust in the original (left) counter-strike and counter-strike: source (right).
Picture a terrorist with a Desert Eagle on the map De_dust in the original (left) counter-strike and counter-strike: source (right).
Monetary bonuses in the game are standard:
* A round lose: $1400 + $500 per round lost more than 1 (up to maximum $3400) (awarded at the beginning of the next round)
* Kill an enemy: $300 (now open)
* Assign a hostage to follow: $150 (immediately awarded. Only works once per hostage, per round)
* A hostage to save: $1000 (now open)
* Planting the bomb: $800 (awarded at the beginning of the following round, no matter whether the terrorist team wins or loses the previous round)
The scoreboard shows team notes in addition to the data for each player: name, score, deaths, and ping scoreboard also , with the bomb (bomb defuse cards) or VIP (in assassination maps), although this information about players on the opposing team a player received during the round must be dead. Killed players become "Ghosts" for the duration of the round; You can not change their name, text chat can be not sent or received from live players; and voice chat from live player may be recorded, it will be not sent you .
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